Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH

  • Type: Books
  • By: Robert C. O'Brien
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Cassandra G.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780689206511
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Have you ever returned to an old childhood favorite, only to be delighted once more?

A field mouse seeks help for her ill son, and in doing so uncovers a mysterious community of rats who may need her help as much as she needs theirs.

This Newbery Medal winning book is as mysterious and suspenseful as I remember, but also full of heart and surprisingly mature. I was surprised how much an adult reader can get out of this book! As a child I remember being fascinated by the small science fiction and fantasy elements. As an adult I am inspired by Mrs. Frisby and the lengths she will go to save her children. Although I read it solo, this would be a fun story to read as a family. And when you are done you can always watch the movie!