Year of the Reaper

  • Type: Books
  • By: Makiia Lucier
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Elisha M.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780358272090
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A prodigal son return in a world recovering from disease and war

Cas, our protagonist, finds himself returning home after an arduous journey and finds that the place he had been dreaming of coming back to has been changed by its occupants. After years of his home being at war and then suffering through an infectious disease. Cas finds himself at the hands of a court mystery that could mean the end of his world, but also by the ghosts of his own tortured past. 

Makiia Lucier so vividly illustrates a world, not unlike our own, where the fear of disease may bring out the best and worst of us. Set against the backdrop of war that had already torn the country down, she spins a rich story that brings the world to life. Along with the amazing world building, each character felt like they continued multitudes of stories that will sweep readers away.

Year of the Reaper is not only a story about the homecoming of a boy that had been held a prisoner of war, it is a story about a land that is rife with fear and weariness with the growing hope that the world can be better.