Gender Queer

  • Type: Books
  • By: Maia Kobabe
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Graphic Novels, Biography & Memoir
  • Recommended by: Amanda F.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781549304002
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A heartwarming and affirming memoir about the author coming to terms with eir identity.

One of the joys of reading is being able to experience the world from someone else’s perspective. In this memoir, we get to see the author’s perspective on growing up and not having the words to describe eir identity. Looking back as an adult gives the author a chance to reflect on coming of age, first crushes, and relationships with family, and opens the invitation for similar self-reflection from the reader. For questioning, nonbinary, and asexual folk, this memoir offers an overwhelming sense of relief that comes from knowing you’re not alone.