She's Too Pretty To Burn

  • Type: Books
  • By: Wendy Heard
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Kat V.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781250246752
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Be careful not to show your true colors to the wrong people.

This book began so innocently, I almost forgot about the synopsis I read. Two girls stand at the beginning of a thrilling romance, the kind of fun they both appear to need. Very quickly, though, the unease creeps in. Mick and Veronica move through life laser-focused on what’s happening to them in the moment, as is typical of teenagers, to the point where they don’t see the darkness growing right in front of them. The source of the mayhem that seems to the girls to come out of nowhere might be obvious to the reader, but I was still anxiously anticipating the catastrophe to come.
She’s Too Pretty to Burn is a young adult drama for readers who prefer plot-driven over character-led stories. I would suggest this to fans of the Hunger Games and Percy Jackson series by Suzanne Collins and Rick Riordan respectively, and Netflix’s Stranger Things.