Long Way Down

  • Type: Books
  • By: Jason Reynolds
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Kate N.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781481438254
  • Check Catalog

So much can happen in 60 seconds

Will gets on the elevator at the 7th floor, determined to avenge the recent murder of his brother Shawn. At each floor, the elevator doors open and a different ghost enters, all possessing some knowledge of his brother's murder. The book is told in tight, intense verse, giving it a sense of urgency and power. Jason Reynolds is a brilliant young writer whose goal is to make books accessible to everyone, especially those who think they don't like to read, and he succeeds brilliantly here. It's one that you'll read quickly and then turn back to the beginning, wanting to make sure you didn't miss a thing.