The Power of Kindness: The Unexpected Benefits of leading a Compassionate Life

  • Type: Books
  • By: Piero Ferrucci
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 1585425192
  • Check Catalog

We could use much more of this in our world today!

Often it seems as though our world is becoming more mean-spirited, especially if you consider the current state of the media and our online interactions.  Ferrucci argues that the world is in the midst of a “Global Cooling,” which is characterized by impersonalization, a decline in civility, and a deterioration in the quality of friendships and family relationships.  However, he believes that despite all of the horrible suffering around us, it has been the kindness and caring of human beings throughout history that has served as the glue to keep civilization together.
In the book Ferrucci defines kindness as “a strong, genuine, warm way of being.”  He believes that true kindness as oppose to fake kindness involves the interplay of several human virtues such as empathy, patience and gratitude.  In each chapter, he highlights a virtue and discusses how it relates to promoting true kindness.

The Power of Kindness is a very positive book that includes several thought-provoking anecdotes for readers to reflect on.  The overall message is that kindness is a virtue that can transform lives and literally save humanity.