She Is Not Invisible

  • Type: Books
  • By: Marcus Sedgwick
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Melissa C.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781596438019
  • Check Catalog

Laureth is blind and needs the help of her 7 year old brother to find their missing father in NYC

Laureth's father is away doing research for a book on coincidences. It is a topic that has consumed him and his family for many years. After receiving a mysterious email from someone who found her father's journal in New York City, sixteen year old Laureth is convinced something bad has happened to her father. She decides to go to New York City to find him, but she can't go alone. Laureth is blind and needs a guide. After her mother leaves on a trip, she wakes her seven year old brother and heads to the airport. Thus begins her journey,with her young brother and his stuffed raven in tow. They follow cryptic clues from his journal in search of their father, not knowing what they will find. She is Not Invisible by Marcus Sedgwick, author of Printz Award winner Midwinterblood, creates a unique and suspenseful book about looking for connections and patterns in darkness. Laureth must use all her senses and knowledge to uncover the next clue. It is a plot-driven and engaging story with quirky characters. The book' only flaw would be the slightly dry and turbid excerpts from her father's journal interspersed throughout the story. The best part is the unique narrator. Sedgewick creates a realistic world without sight through Laureth that further immerses the reader into the story. Highly recommended.