The Next Day

  • Type: Music
  • By: David Bowie
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Rock
  • Recommended by: Mark N.
  • ISBN/UPC: 887654618627
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Bowie is back and reenergized.

Throughout the 1970s and into the early 1980s, David Bowie pushed the envelope for the artistic possibilities of popular music further than anyone this side of The Beatles, but by the latter half of the '80s into the new millenium, Bowie hit a creative rut. On The Next Day, David Bowie is reunited with producer Tony Visconti who was, along with Brian Eno, Bowie’s artistic collaborator on the now legendary late ‘70s “Berlin trilogy” (Low, “Heroes”, and Lodger), perhaps the peak of Bowie's creativity. The Next Day harkens back to those glory years (the cover art is even a playful nod to "Heroes"), and is the most energized and engaged set of songs Bowie has produced since at least since 1983's Let's Dance.