United States Census 2020
Help Shape the Future of Michigan
It's time for the United States census! We encourage all of our members to participate in this important event. You now have until Saturday, October 31 to complete the Census.
This year, for the first time ever, households can complete the census online. Also, if you prefer, the census can be completed by phone, or by returning the paper form received at your home through the mail. In addition to English, you can answer or get help in 12 other languages.
If you have any Census related questions, please contact (aboodj@cadl.org ) Jill Abood, our Community Engagement Specialist.
So what is the census?
The U.S. census is a headcount of every person living in the United States. It happens every 10 years.
What is it used for?
The census helps make decisions on how hundreds of billions of dollars in public funds are distributed for public services like schools, housing, hospitals, healthcare, and many more important services we rely on each day.
Do I have to participate?
Everyone of any age living in the 50 states, District of Columbia and five U.S. territories is required by law to be counted in the census. Service members, people in correctional facilities and those who are currently homeless are also counted.
Taking the Census
Responding by Mail - Click here for more information
Homes will begin receiving their invitation to respond to the 2020 census between March 12–20. These official Census Bureau mailings will include detailed information and a census ID for completing the census online.
During this time, homes in areas that are less likely to respond online will receive a paper questionnaire (sometimes known as the census form).
All homes will receive a paper questionnaire if they do not first respond online or by phone. To see an image of the paper questionnaire, and for more information on answering each question, please visit Questions Asked.
Responding by Phone - Click here for more information
You have the option of completing the questionnaire by phone.
Hours of Operation: Phone lines are open every day from 7am to 2am Eastern Time.
The 2020 census can be completed by phone in the following languages:
- English: 844-330-2020
- Spanish: 844-468-2020
- Chinese (Mandarin): 844-391-2020
- Chinese (Cantonese): 844-398-2020
- Vietnamese: 844-461-2020
- Korean: 844-392-2020
- Russian: 844-417-2020
- Arabic: 844-416-2020
- Tagalog: 844-478-2020
- Polish: 844-479-2020
- French: 844-494-2020
- Haitian Creole: 844-477-2020
- Portuguese: 844-474-2020
- Japanese: 844-460-2020
- English (for Puerto Rico residents): 844-418-2020
- Spanish (for Puerto Rico residents): 844-426-2020
- TDD (Telephone Display Device): 844-467-2020
Responding Online - Click here for more information
Responding to the American Community Survey online is:
- Safe, secure and confidential—your information and privacy are protected.
- Economical—it's the least expensive way to respond to the survey—saving taxpayers money.
- Greener—it helps conserve paper.
- User-friendly—offering you help screens and the ability to review your answers.

Here are some things the real 2020 U.S. census will NEVER ask you for, including:
- Social Security Number
- Bank or credit card account numbers
- Money or donations
- Political party affiliation
- Citizenship status
If someone claiming to be from the U.S. Census Bureau asks you for any of this information, it is a scam! Do NOT cooperate. You can report these issues immediately by calling 800-923-8282.