RBdigital Magazines are now available on OverDrive!

RBdigital’s unlimited magazine collection is now available on Libby- the free, award-winning reading app from OverDrive. You can browse, borrow, and enjoy all the same great magazines you enjoyed in the RBdigital app.

What should I know about borrowing magazines in Libby?

Over 3,000 popular magazines are still available. Three years of back issues will be available wherever possible. Magazines will now have a lending period of 21 days, but can be renewed and borrowed again at any time.

Magazines will not count toward your checkout limits. Libby does not offer auto-checkout of magazine titles. Each new issue will have to be checked out. You must be logged into your OverDrive account or be using the Libby app to browse magazines.

If you want to keep access to magazine issues previously borrowed via RBdigital:

You must complete these steps before March 31, 2021. Download the free ZINIO app or go to zinio.com. Register for a new account using the same email address used to access RBdigital. Once registered, previously borrowed ZINIO magazine loans will be available in the account. New issues must be checked out using OverDrive/Libby and will not be available in a ZINIO account.