The Artist's Library

MicrosoftTeams-image (36).pngThese competitive exhibits give you a chance to show off your hard work, and possibly win a prize! Catagories that artists can enter include miniatures, acrylic, watercolor, sculpture, collage and more. Check them out here

Picasso said "Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working." We hope these free resources give you inspiration and assistance as you work towards your craft.

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Fine Arts Reading List

Check out a few titles featuring a wide variety of topics, including classic masterpieces, colored pencil, acrylic paint, cartooning techniques and more.

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Improve Your Drawing & Painting Skills

Through LinkedIn Learning, 10 courses are available. This learning path begins with drawing fundamentals, then explores light, perspective, different drawing styles, and several aspects of painting.


Library of Things

Check out a projector to make scaling your art easier, a Wacom art tablet, portable scanner and more.


LinkedIn Learning

Learn how to use Procreate, Adobe Illustrator and more at your own pace, using classes taught by industry experts.