The Unapologetic Guide to Black Mental Health

  • Type: Ebooks
  • By: Rheeda Walker
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781684034147
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Provides strategies for improving psychological well-being

Despite claims that America is a post-racial society, the events of the past decade have proven that this is sheer fantasy and wishful thinking at best. Given that there still exists an undercurrent of discrimination and unfairness that is pervasive in our society, Dr. Walker posits that maintaining good mental health is more daunting for African Americans, who must deal with subtle and oftentimes not so subtle bias on a daily basis. She devotes chapters to discussing various mental disorders/conditions, bias within the health care system, and the development of coping strategies. Most importantly, throughout the book, Walker emphasizes that it is vitally important for African Americans to cultivate and nurture a high level of what she calls PF, Psychological Fortitude, in order to navigate a plethora of stressors to mental health that are inherent in the life of the average person of color. 

As an African American and an information professional, I think this is an important book because it addresses the entrenched stigma associated with mental health that is prevalent within African American communities, which dissuades many who suffer from various problems from seeking the assistance (therapy, medication, etc.) that they may need. Although, the target audience is African Americans, I think this book will also resonate with other BIPOC readers that are concerned about preserving good mental health.