
  • Type: Books
  • By: M.L. Smoker
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror, Graphic Novels
  • Recommended by: Heather P.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781948206464
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A tale of modern vs. traditional storytelling

Aiyana's voice is clear in this story about a Lakota teen who has just changed schools and is looking to find new friends. She is sucked into the modern world of social media while her Unci (Grandma) tries to continue the tradition of storytelling passed down for generations. M.L. Smoker is known most for her poetry and the writing style reflects that. I loved this rendition of a trickster tale in a graphic novel. It is, in itself, a modern way to relate to today's youth while passing down traditional storytelling. Readers of Wingbearer or Joseph Bruchac books would like this one.