Ballad for Sophie

  • Type: Books
  • By: Filipe Melo
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Graphic Novels
  • Recommended by: Jessica T.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781603094986
  • Check Catalog

What a beautiful story!

A young journalist arrives at the door of a world-renowned piano star for an interview that Julien Dubois doesn’t intend to give, but something about the time, the reporter, or his conscience makes him settle in to tell his broken tale of anger, envy, and empty fame; from pre-World War 11 France, through disco, to the now—blurring the lines of fantasy and reality, but always focusing on his flaws. It’s a beautifully drawn score with movements for each period of his life, including adopting the cat, his caretaker/housekeeper, and this last inquisitive guest.