Notes on a Nervous Planet

  • Type: Audiobooks
  • By: Matt Haig
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781984846167
  • Check Catalog

A thought-provoking read

Matt Haig is British writer who is the author of several books for both adults and children. In his mid-twenties he experienced a serious bout of anxiety and depression. He chronicled this struggle in an earlier book entitled Reasons to Stay Alive, which became a bestseller in the United Kingdom. Upon reflecting on his battle with depression and anxiety, Haig concluded that the stress of modern life in developed western nations actually create conditions which negatively impact the average person’s mental well-being. This insight was the genesis for this book.

In Notes on a Nervous Planet, Haig cites numerous examples of how life in our frenetic, hyper-connected world has contributed to an epidimic of mental illness among individuals across all strata of society. Throughout it, he provides readers, who are suffering with helpful tips on how to stay sane in our unbalanced, overwhelming, “crazy-making” culture.