A Circle of Quiet

  • Type: Books
  • By: Madeleine L'Engle
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Biography & Memoir
  • Recommended by: Cheryl L.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780062545039
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There's much more to L'Engle than A Wrinkle in Time!

The moment I discovered L'Engle remains clear to this day.  Over 30 years ago I selected A Wrinkle in Time out of a display in the Thornapple Elementary School library only because it had a flying centaur-like creature on the cover, and I had read through all of the books I could find with actual horses on the cover.  I wasn't a big fantasy or SciFi fan, but I remember my third grade self devouring this book and the strange world found in its pages. Fast forward some twenty  odd years later and I found that L'Engle, creator of that magical world, could do the same for the adult lover of non fiction I'd become as an adult.  What is this book about?  Family, faith, solitude and more...