You Slay Me

  • Type: Ebooks
  • By: Katie MacAlister
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Romance
  • Recommended by: Cassie V.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781101156124
  • Check Catalog

Who knew?! Yes, Dragon-Human romance is a genre

You know that "oh my gosh, won't someone publish something" time when none of your favorite authors have anything new coming out?  Well, I hit that awful period and turned to Novelist to help me pick out a new series.  Can you believe that the search terms I entered turned up a dragon romance novel?  Did you know Dragon-Human romance is even a genre?!  I didn't!  I thought, what the heck, checked it out, and happily found that it was as entertaining as Abaddon! MacAlister is well known in the paranormal romance category, and definitely has a fast-paced, entertaining style. Her heroine, Asling Grey, is feisty, witty and strong, and her dragon-guy, Drake, doesn't sound too bad either (though her demon-in-Newfie-form is a hoot!).   If you're looking for a fun, quick read that is light  but packed full of fun characters, check out You Slay Me, first in the Aisling Grey series.