Rolling in the Deep

  • Type: Books
  • By: Mira Grant
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Eyal S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781596067080
  • Check Catalog

"Documentaries" and deep sea horrors - what could possibly go wrong?

Mira Grant (probably best known for her Feed trilogy) tackles the question ‘what if mermaids were real?’ in this novella. But the mermaids she is writing about are not the sweetly singing ones from Disney - these mermaids are apex predators that are the product of centuries of evolution in the depths of the Mariana Trench. When a scientific expedition/reality show crew goes on a quest to prove the existence of mermaids, they find exactly what they were looking for. Unfortunately.

I have this terrible habit of only reading horror stories alone in my house at 11pm and then I find myself regretting it for the next two days. This novella was no exception and, unlike most of the horror stories I’ve read,  it was totally worth it. Go check it out - just maybe not as a beach read.