Business/Institution Card

About Business/Institution Memberships

We offer a free, four-year CADL membership to businesses and institutions in our service area. It’s a great value that offers access to all of our in-branch collections and digital resources.

Business owners can use it to research demographics, find competitors, browse real-life business plans and more. Download business-focused ebooks and audiobooks, or access digital magazines like Forbes, Kiplinger’s Personal Finance and more. Consult our complete list of business resources here (some restrictions may apply).

Teachers can use the card to check out items or access digital resources for themselves or their students. Many teachers receive an institutional card as part of the Student Success Initiative. Consult our list of school age learning tools and homework help tools for grades K-6 or grades 7 - 12

Applications must be signed by someone authorized to make purchasing decisions. That person can serve as the contact person, or can assign that role to someone else.

Applying for Business/Institution Membership

Please fill out, print, and sign the Business/Institution Library Card Application. Scan and send it to us via email (use address on the form), via fax or mail, or drop it off at your local branch. These applications are processed at CADL headquarters, and may take a few days to complete. You will receive a CADL card in the mail and can begin using it immediately.

Cardholder Responsibilities

  • The organization will be held responsible for any items checked out on the card.
  • The contact person may check out using the institutional card or by presenting a valid photo ID.
  • Contact persons may not authorize the release of information or holds to others.
  • Members who have $10 or more in bills and charges on their personal account may not serve as the contact person for a business or institutional account. 

To change the name of a contact person, or for any questions about Business/Institution cards, contact us at 517-367-6325 or