Numb to This

  • Type: Books
  • By: Kindra Neely
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Graphic Novels, Biography & Memoir
  • Recommended by: TR L.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780316462075
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A powerful true story of PTSD and survival after a mass shooting.

When Kindra Neely moved from a Texas neighborhood plagued with gun violence to scenic rural Oregon, she felt safe. Then she survived the 2015 mass shooting at Umpqua Community college. This graphic novel memoir tells the story of her trauma and healing, which often felt impossible as mass shootings kept happening in a country becoming "numb to this." Creating this book became a major part of her healing, as it was the book she wished she'd had. This book is beautifully illustrated and powerfully written. It helped me better understand the experiences of mass shooting survivors, but it also was relatable in its universal themes. I highly recommend it as a source for better understanding the nature of this tragedy continually unfolding across our country.