Milo and Marcos at the end of the World

  • Type: Books
  • By: Kevin Christopher Snipes
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Cassie V.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780063062566
  • Check Catalog

A love that makes the earth quake

When someone comes back into your life after a few years at the same time a string natural disasters whips through your state, is that a sign you should pay attention to?  Coincidence?  Could the universe be out to stop true love?  This contemporary queer love story centers around the extraordinarily anxious and confused Milo who has always been a good church-going boy now facing religious and personal turmoil.  Is that a bit too much?  Check it out if you want an angst-filled, moving coming out story that will touch your heart and make you smile.