So We Meet Again

  • Type: Books
  • By: Suzanne Park
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Romance
  • Recommended by: Lynn H.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780062990716
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Can Jessie balance cooking up a new business and a new romance?

Jessie Kim – dutiful daughter of Korean parents – finds her life derailed when she is let go from her job in finance for not being competitive enough to make it to the next level.  Suspecting her dismissal is driven more by sexism and racism, she retreats to her parents’ home in Tennessee to figure out what she wants to do with her life next.  When Jessie unexpectedly crosses paths with Daniel Choi, who was her nemesis and competitor for most-accomplished-offspring in their parents’ immigrant community, she is surprised to realize he’s not as repugnant as she remembered.  As Jessie’s online cooking series and boutique sauces gain popularity thanks to her mother crashing her recording, she also forges a friendship with Daniel when he connects her to entrepreneurs who help build her business.  Can their friendship and burgeoning romance survive a business betrayal and the gossips in their tight-knit community?  More than a fun romance, this book highlights the challenges of being female and minority in a male-dominated industry and provides mouth-watering descriptions of Korean food.