Black Death at the Golden Gate

  • Type: Books
  • By: David K. Randall
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Sherri M.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780393609455
  • Check Catalog

Remember that time the plague came to America? Me neither.

At the turn of the last century San Francisco was the tarnished jewel of the west coast, but couldn't get the respect of the the east coast establishment. People start turning up dead in Chinatown and city officials and the bombastic governor deny there's anything wrong, then blame the residents of Chinatown. I love an epidemiological mystery that mixes science, cultural differences, history and egos. Strangely specific but the mix of forces is real when tracking down the cause of disease. It's all here, and the earthquake of 1906 makes an appearance. For those who like science that reads like fiction and Gilded Age brashness.