Just Like a Mama

  • Type: Books
  • By: Alice Faye Duncan
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Ramona B.P.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781534461833
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A story of acceptance, love, and care.

This book does a wonderful job showing that the child in this story is loved and cared for no matter her circumstances. Mama Rose is caring, fun and even calls her by her full name with emphasis, when necessary, just like a mama would. A great resource for the child who is separated from a parent(s) but also good for children who live with their parents but may question why a child does not have a mom or dad. There is no focus on why the parents are absent other than they are miles away, or the relation of Mama Rose, so this book can be adapted for different situations.