Again, Again

  • Type: Books
  • By: E. Lockhart
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Lynn H.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780385744799
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Do you ever imagine a different outcome to a life-changing moment?

Adelaide is working as a dog walker over the summer before her senior year at boarding school, which provides her plenty of time to consider her outstanding incomplete grade, recent break-up and the secret tragedy in her family.  Themes of opioid addiction, romantic relationships, and coming-of-age read true, and while the author doesn’t shy away from Adelaide’s unhappiness, there are sudden moments of joy and wonder that feel authentic.  A unique aspect of the novel is the use of different fonts and layouts to distinguish between scenes that actually take place from those that Adelaide conceives of in her mind.  These imagined scenarios provide the reader with access to Adelaide’s thoughts and emotional journey over the course of summer.  One of the author’s strengths is to show a fully dimensional character who is relatable; someone who bounces from sadness to silliness in an instant and is frustrated with her parents while also recognizing their sorrow.  For similar reads, try authors Gayle Forman, John Green and A.S. King.