Midnight Sun

  • Type: Books
  • By: Stephanie Meyer
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Melissa C.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780316707046
  • Check Catalog

If you are a Twilight fan, it is a must read!

The long awaited book Midnight Sun by Stephanie Meyer is a retelling of the first Twilight book from Edward's perspective. For those who read the Twilight series and loved or just enjoyed it, for better or worse this is a must read. Readers get to see through Edward's eyes for over 600 pages! Most of his thoughts revolve around either kissing or killing Bella, but readers also get to see the events from Twilight in a new way. It  reveals information that lets readers try to understand Edward and the events of Twilight better. We also get to learn more details about the Cullen/Hale family that we didn't in the original series. For all its faults and successes, Midnight Sun was a fun read and at times I found myself smiling like a loon while I read it. For me the best part of Midnight Sun is the very often hilarious reaction on the internet to this book. So fans of Twilight, read Midnight Sun and then hit the internet for more fun.