The Unspoken Name

  • Type: Books
  • By: A. K. Larkwood
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Sci Fi/Fantasy/Horror
  • Recommended by: Eyal S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781250238900
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An utterly unique fantasy debut

I can’t remember the last book that surprised me so many times while I was reading it. From the main character to the religions and magic, down to even the modes of travel, Larkwood has created a fascinating world, and even more interesting storyline. A forsworn child priestess, raised to be a wizard’s swordhand, begins to question her choices, and what honor and fealty mean to her. All while questing for a lost relic, fighting off revenants and necromancers, and breaking into a truly astonishing number of secure rooms and buildings.

In conclusion, I am really excited to read more of this author’s work!