Blood Lad

  • Type: Books
  • By: Yuuki Kodama
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Graphic Novels
  • Recommended by: Robert C.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780316228954
  • Check Catalog

A vampire boss, who’s a fan of manga/anime, and a team of powered monsters must save the demon world.

Blood Lad is a very typical shonen manga featuring characters that have their own unique powers and abilities. I noticed a lot of similarities with other manga like Naruto and Soul Eater, but since the main vampire character, Staz, is a huge fan of manga and anime, I think any parallels might be a little intentional. There are enough different characters to keep things interesting, without so many that you forget who's who. If you are a fan of the shonen style and are looking for something else to read, Blood Lad is a solid choice filled with humor, action, and some good twists. As a heads up, there is a bit of fan-service sprinkled throughout, just to keep in mind.