Hope Never Dies

  • Type: Books
  • By: Andrew Shaffer
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Mystery & Suspense
  • Recommended by: Jessica T.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781683690399
  • Check Catalog

Buddy investigators?!?

When I first saw this cover I thought it was a joke, but Shaffer takes on two larger than life characters with humor and care in this surprisingly good mystery told in the former vice presidents voice. Obama stops in to deliver the news that an engineer acquaintance of Biden’s is hit by a train with the VP’s address and drugs on him, Biden is understandably concerned especially knowing the man was a teetotaler like himself. And when Biden can’t help but poke into the case, Obama and his Secret Service escort are there to help. At times laugh out loud funny, at times heartfelt and sober. And honestly something a reader from any political party could enjoy!