The Squared Circle: Life, Death, and Professional Wrestling

  • Type: Books
  • By: David Shoemaker
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781482928884
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An in-depth look at an American sub-culture

Shoemaker traces professional wrestling from it early beginnings in 19th century carnivals, to the PG-family friendly era of WrestleMania in the 1980s, to its current form – a violent, risqué reality show primarily suitable for mature audiences.  The “sport’s” authenticity and the real life impact on its practitioners are the major focus of this book. There is an age-old question surrounding professional wrestling.  Is it or is it not real?  The answer is yes and no.  Yes the matches and outcomes are part of a storyline and are therefore scripted and choreographed, but the athleticism necessary to execute the stunts and the physical risk to the wrestlers involved are very real.

There is another question that is examined in the book.  If wrestling is scripted and the fans are in on the joke, why do so many people enjoy it?  Shoemaker argues that since its inception professional wrestling can be viewed as sort of a cultural mythology.   Throughout the bulk of its history, it has been a vehicle used to present morality plays in which good eventually triumphs over evil.  

If you were ever a pro-wrestling fan in any of its many incarnations, you will enjoy this book.  Readers will get an in-depth, behind the scenes, insiders look into the bizarre world of professional wrestling.   Actually, The Squared Circle was recommended to me by an Okemos Library patron who spent nearly two decades as a wrestler.