Three Day Summer

  • Type: Books
  • By: Sarvenaz Tash
  • Age Category: Teens
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Recommended by: Tom S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9781481439312
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Woodstock: Three Days of Peace and Music . . . and first love.

Michael is on the verge of adulthood but doesn’t know what he wants to do with his life.  However, it’s 1969 and the U.S. is hip-deep in the Vietnam War,  so Michael is only too aware that the decision might soon be made for him since he’s almost old enough for the draft.  Cora, on the other hand, knows exactly what she wants to do – become a physician – but is discouraged in her career plans by societal expectations and by her conservative father.
How these two strangers come to find each other among the 400,000 other rock fans caught up in the good-natured (and, the author allows, often drug-induced) chaos of Woodstock is the heart of this uplifting story about self-actualization and following your dreams.
This makes a good companion, in terms of both subject and mood, to Elliot Tiber’s Taking Woodstock.