I'm Not Crazy, I'm On Lupron

  • Type: Books
  • By: Stacey Rourke
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: General Fiction
  • Recommended by: Jennifer D.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780989175364
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A realistic and often hilarious look at the common problem of infertility

I picked this book up because a local patron, Carrie Feitl, has a short story in it.  I ended up being pleasantly surprised by the humor and realism portrayed in the book.  The main story written by Rourke had me laughing and crying at the same time.  The "Morsels of Hope" in the back (which includes Feitl's own account of infertility) were very inspiring and heartwarming.   And just for the record--I wouldn't just recommend this to reproductively challenged individuals--I found great hope and inspiration about life in general from reading this book.