The Story of Stuff

  • Type: Books
  • By: Annie Leonard
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Eric S.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780743599153
  • Check Catalog

If you listen to this book, your shopping experiences will never be the same!

Annie Leonard has made a career out of tracking waste and pollution and its connection to environmental and human rights issues. The Story of Stuff is based on her 2007 documentary by the same title. The book essentially follows the lifecycle - from raw materials extraction, through manufacturing, distribution and finally to the landfill - of common household items. You will be astonished at the staggering level of pollution and injustice associated with their production and distribution.

Throughout the book, Leonard is critical of our society’s obsession with an economic model which focuses on unrestricted growth and promotes a disposable culture in which consumption permeates every aspect of life. However, along the way she encourages readers to become engaged citizens and to work toward transforming our economy into one that values health, human dignity and respect for our planet’s limited and endangered natural resources.