
Search Tips

You can search for words in titles or series titles; people associated with the film (actors, screenwriters, directors, producers, etc.); subjects;keywords; etc.


  • Indiana Jones
  • Steven Spielberg
  • Archaeologists

You can also use * as a wildcard to take the place of any number of letters, or even by itself to match everything.


  • wom*n (matches woman, women, womyn, etc.
  • car* (matches car, cars, card, cart, carts, carbon, caring, etc.)
  • * (matches everything)

Check (or uncheck) the boxes next to the format types to include them (or not) in your search results. 

Note: to find lists of films in non-English languages (including subtitles), use * in the search box and choose a language from the language drop down.

Need to Laugh?

Eric S. Recommends

St. Vincent
Vincent is a retired man who lives alone and enjoys his fair share of vices.  On the surface to many he appears to be a cantankerous old man with few redeeming qualities. However, when he falls...
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Jessica W. Recommends

Hundreds of Beavers
Hundreds of Beavers tells the story of an apple jack salesman in 1800’s Wisconsin.  At the very beginning of the film, he loses everything.  He must learn to survive and win the hand...
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Ben is a hopeless romantic who has struck out on love time and time again. Alice is recently single and jaded by her ex-boyfriend. These pair of best friends are determined to survive wedding season,...
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