
  • Type: Books
  • By: Mark Goldblatt
  • Age Category: Children
  • Genre: Historical Fiction
  • Recommended by: Thais R.
  • ISBN/UPC: 9780375971440
  • Check Catalog

Sixth Grade, New York City, 1969

Julian Twerski keeps a journal partly as punishment for a bullying incident and partly to get out of writing a Shakespeare report.  Kids, you'll be amazed at how unsupervised these city kids from the '60s were. Follow Julian as he considers the mysteries of girls, a new kid who might steal his title as fastest kid in school, tension among his gang of friends, and finally, the infamous bullying incident. Yes, Julian does some pretty dumb stuff, but what 12-year-old doesn't? Plus, you'll find out why there is an egg on the cover.