Home is Where the Heart is

  • Type: Books
  • By: Ilse Crawford
  • Age Category: Adults
  • Genre: Non-Fiction
  • Recommended by: Denelle H.
  • ISBN/UPC: 0847826856
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Life going crazy? Grab some wine and this book for a magical, lasting retreat. Relax. Re-read. Revive.

Categorizing this book is tricky: Artsy coffee table book? Yes. Existential treatise of mankind’s frail neediness? Certainly. Practical “How To” book on life, love and happiness? Absolutely. Cookbook? Huh…yes, that too!

Ilse Crawford’s thoughtful wisdom gives us some serious thinking to do. While sussing out the fragile and temporary nature of our species, she offers realistic ways in which we can make our daily lives and living spaces more meaningful, our footprints less harmful to the world around us, and our stagnant brains a little more rich for the time spent lost in her words. Delicious photos by Martyn Thompson.